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But as the weeks passed, I began to see more of what made us similar. During recess, I would gather flowers with the little girls and watch as they gathered berries to bring home to their moms. The boys asked me to play soccer with them until I was dripping in sweat and laughing as
they dribbled in circles around me. In the library, I sat with a little boy and read a children’s vocabulary book in English and Arabic. I taught him the English words, and he patiently taught me the Arabic words.
The world often teaches us build walls between us and those who act, believe, or seem different from us. The Savior teaches us to love one another. He teaches us to help people who aren’t accepted in our society, even those who might be outcasts. He teaches us to care for people who have made mistakes. He teaches us to forgive the very people who have hurt us.

Funeral Insurance

But as the weeks passed, I began to see more of what made us similar. During recess, I would gather flowers with the little girls and watch as they gathered berries to bring home to their moms. The boys asked me to play soccer with them until I was dripping in sweat and laughing as they dribbled in circles around me. In the library, I sat with a little boy and read a children’s vocabulary book in English and Arabic. I taught him the English words, and he patiently taught me the Arabic words.
The world often teaches us build walls between us and those who act, believe, or seem different from us. The Savior teaches us to love one another. He teaches us to help people who aren’t accepted in our society,
even those who might be outcasts. He teaches us to care for people who have made mistakes. He teaches us to forgive the very people who have hurt us.